Easy ways to upcycle garden furniture

Easy ways to upcycle garden furniture


With daffodils and spring flowers in full bloom and warmer weather here, the first garden party of the season is just around the corner. However, your garden furniture may still be suffering the effects of winter.

While replacing old pieces with a spending spree at your favourite garden centre may be tempting, there are easier and cheaper ways to deal with tired furniture! For example, black and deep grey paintwork can transform dull fences, planters, and pots into striking backdrops for your greenery. A simple solution that can make a huge difference.

Is rust consuming metal everywhere you look? Available in various colours, anti-corrosion spray will help revitalise your furniture. Alternatively, a solution of white vinegar can work wonders. Just leave it on for about an hour and thoroughly wipe it down afterwards.
Adding texture with fabrics and soft furnishings can also enhance even the most worn-out pieces. Think tablecloths, cushions, and throws.
If something can’t pass for shabby-chic anymore, consider repurposing it entirely, perhaps by turning an old table into a wildlife house, or a swing seat into a frame for climbing plants.
If you’re hoping to attract serious offers this spring, sprucing up your garden is a great way to help viewers picture themselves enjoying those long, warm evenings ahead.
We are always happy to advise you about ways to improve your chances of a sale.
Contact us to learn how we can get you moving before summer.
